Fashion & Lifestyle Bloggers

New In: the boots

Début juillet, il fait passer 30° degrés dans la ville de Calvin. Aujourd'hui le temps est gris, il pleut, le vent se lève... Tant mieux, ça fait du bien et la nature en avait grand besoin. J'en profite pour sortir mes dernières petites trouvailles. J'ai toujours voulu avoir des cavalières, des vraies de vrai en cuir, façon Hermès. En attendant que le ciel me les envoie, j'ai déniché celles-ci pour la modique somme de... vingt euros. Simples, classes, bien coupées et noires, couleur basique. J'ai inauguré aussi ma veste H&M camel. Je suis allée l'essayer trois fois avant de la prendre, ça devenait obsessionnel, il était temps. Les finitions sont très élégantes et de qualité, j'adore !

/Begining of July, it's 30 degrees in the city of Calvin. Today, the weather is grey, it's raining and windy... Great! It feels very good and nature needed it. I can wear my last finds. I always wanted own riding boots, The real ones like the Hermes ones. As heaven hasn't sent them to me yet,  I bought those that I had for twenty euros only. Basic, classy, well cut and black. That was the first day of my new H&M camel jacket as well. I have been into the store three times to see it, try it, hesitate and then finally buy it. It turned into an obsession so I had to. The finishing touches are very good quality and elegant. Love it !

Bye bye ;-) !

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Veste - H&M
Top - H&M
Leggings - Forever21
Boots - GoSport
Nail Polish - Bourjois   


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you ! You got a very cool blog too !

      Bisous Laura Nd

  2. You look awesome :) and love the polka dot top :)
    Love your blog :)
    I would appreciate it if you could take the time to visit my little blog at and let me know if you would like us to follow each other :)

  3. hey u missin u alot!!!! jus wanted to check in n see how fine u looking!!!!! which is FINE as sum ROSE.... wish i could b there with you!!!! mwaaa!!!! guess who it is!!!! n ur blog is looking good btw ill send u sum corretions for the english although its not much... i see you're making good progress......

    1. Thank you so much for the comment... But who is it ? :-)) I think I have an idea btw...


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